I just want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Make sure to make time for family, enjoy this season, and, of course, eat lots (that's what New Year Resolutions are for)! :)
The Musings of Andrew and Lee Judge, aka Derf and Mouse respectively, about spirituality, house/home, health, business--anything really. We hope to inspire and encourage as well as lift up and amuse someone out there in the noise of the blogosphere.
Update: I apologize for the... not-pictures at the bottom. I guess they got deleted from their sources.
I guess it is. The calendar, my cell phone, the interwebs, they all say October 1. I just can't believe the year is almost over.
Well, I just wanted to post a little something short and show ya'll why fall is one of my favorite times of the year.
Fried Pies
Image from How to Eat a Cupcake blog.
Here's a post from the fried pies I made earlier this year with my mom's recipe. And here's the pies I'm going to make soon--hopefully by the end of this month. Oh my goodness! I love me some fried pies!
The Colors
Image from Pioneer Woman's Fall Bokeh Post
Oh the reds, greens, yellows, oranges! So beautiful! And the crunchy leaves are a blast. I'm like a kid when I walk outside this time of year. I have to step on all the leaves that look extra crunchy! :D
The Pumpkins
Image from Olive Rue's Sweet Pumpkin Goodness post
Oh the pumpkins... My favorite fall time gourd. Just because it is my favorite, here are some more to finish off this post.
Image from Olive Rue's Sweet Pumpkin Goodness post. I think it's a Martha Stewart creation.
Image from Olive Rue's Sweet Pumpkin Goodness post
Don't forget about the candied apples!
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I would like you to meet our “children.” Well, they are not human children, but both our parents call them their “grand-chillas.”
This is Mocha (the ebony/black one).
And this is Pinball (the standard/grey one).
They are our chinchillas. And aren’t they adorable?!? Mocha just turned one on May 3rd, which is also our anniversary. Yeah, he was born the day we got married, and when I found that out about him I just had to have him. Pinball will also be one this month. We got them from a breeder who lives in
When we got them, we still lived in an apartment. The pet fees for a cat or dog were too expensive and the land lady let us have small caged pets without any fees. We really wanted to get a rabbit because I had fostered a rabbit from a society that is now called Huntsville Friends of Rabbits and I just love rabbits. However, with the loose hay, the dander, and other allergens, I was not able to keep the rabbit. Andrew and I weren’t married yet, but every time he came over he had a severe allergy attack soon after, and I noticed I wasn’t sleeping well and had headaches a lot. We had to give him back. That was a very sad day.
Well, after we got married we wanted a pet and I started researching rabbits, how to live with allergies to rabbits, and other things. Andrew made the suggestion of getting a chinchilla. I thought it was a little strange because they had always been in the “too exotic animal for me” range. So, I researched all I could about chinchillas and found out they are, in a sense, hypo-allergenic. They do not have dander, LOVE condensed hay cubes, and, most importantly, don’t get flees or other pests most pets get. The only draw back was the dust baths they have to have.
Most everybody said they loved their chinchilla and had next to no allergy problems with them. We were sold.
So then we traveled to
They are so cute, and yet so spoiled. Keep checking back here for chinchilla adventures and stories. We’ve got plenty. :)
Have a great day!