Monday, November 9, 2009

Apple Cider Pancakes

A couple of Saturday mornings ago I made some of the best pancakes I've ever made. I called them Apple Cider Pancakes.

*Disclaimer: I didn't use a recipe. I just made it up, but if you do know of an actual recipe called Apple Cider Pancakes, I'd love to take a look at it and try it. :) *

I didn't get a picture, because Derf and I ate them up pretty quick. Well, I did have left-overs just for me Sunday morning, but I still didn't even think of taking a picture, lol.

When we got up Saturday morning, I didn't know what to have for breakfast. At first I was going to make French Toast, but the bread was bad. So, I asked Andrew if he wanted pancakes instead. I didn't really want pancakes because when I've eaten pancakes more than 3 times over the course of a few months, I get tired of them--especially the pre-made mix. However, we are a little tight on money right now (having to pay for a roof...oh the joys of home-ownership) and I couldn't just go out and get something. So, I decided to make do with the pancakes.

I started mixing it up and realized that last time I used the mix, I added a little nutmeg and cinnamon to the mix and it perked it up some. So, I thought I'd take it a step further. You see, I've been in the mood for all kinds of fall-spiced foods--the apple cider, pumpkin/sweet potato pie, etc. I told Derf I wanted some pumpkin spice (if that even exists, I'm not sure...) and he told me to we had some cloves. YES! That was it. I took a whiff of that and thought of apple cider! From there I took some cinnamon and some vanilla and added it to the pancake mix. Then, I sliced up a honey crisp apple paper thin and placed it on top of each pancake as it was cooking.

Man! This stuff was great! As far a recipe of how I made it....I couldn't really tell you, lol. What I did was use my nose, really. Do you know the Disney Pixar movie Ratatouille? Well, if you don't it's about a rat who learns how to cook...yes, childish, but it's a great movie. Anyway, Remy, the rat, doesn't use measurements or a recipe, he uses his nose to see if it smells good. So, that's what I do. And yes, I am learning to cook my own recipes using Disney movie ideas that are probably slightly bogus anyway. :-/ Hey, whatever works right?
Well, if you want to try this out, here's a basic recipe. Just remember, I'm guessing at what I used. I basically used my nose to figure out how spicy I wanted it.

Apple Cider Pancakes

*Pancake Mix or Base Pancake Recipe
*Ground cloves (I probably used 2-3 tsps for a 8 or 9-batch base pancake recipe)
*Cinnamon (about 1 tsp)
*Vanilla (about 1 tsp)
*1 apple (a more tart apple than a honey crisp will probably work best) half thin, shaved slices and half cubed
*Powdered sugar (for topping)
*Warm syrup of choice (for topping)

Heat skillet or griddle to a medium heat. Make Base Pancake Recipe/Mix as directed. Add Ground Cloves, Cinnamon, and Vanilla, and wisk until well blended. (This is where I get close and smell the flavors blending.) Add more Cinnamon or Ground Cloves as desired. Spray the cooking surface with non-stick cooking spray. Spoon desired amount of batter onto cooking surface. Lay slices of apple on top. Cook for about 1 minute or so and then flip. (At this point, if you're not a seasoned cook with pancakes, follow the Mix or Recipe's guidelines for when to flip.) Top pancakes with powdered sugar, syrup, and some cubed apples.

*Note: You can use cubed apples inside the pancakes if you want. It takes a few more seconds or so to cook and it's a little harder to flip. (Well, that's what happened to me. You may find a better way to do it, though.)

*Also Note: The Mix tends to be a little dry. Next time, I'm going to use a basic pancake recipe and I hope they'll come out a little more moist.

I hope you enjoy these as much as we did!


Just be YOU!
2 Corinthians 10:12

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