Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me! :)

I'm a little late posting about this, but my birthday was Monday! Hooray! I had the first birthday party that I've had since....really middle school. And....I didn't take any pictures the whole night. Ugh. lol. We had 12 people plus Derf and I over Monday night. It was a lot of fun to get together with friends and just hang out. I was also toasted to. I felt so special. :D Really, I did. I ended up playing it off, because I'm not too good with things like that, especially in public. I tend to be more toward the modest side. And, now that I think back on it. I hope that everybody didn't feel slighted that I did play it off some.... :-/

I ended up making my own cake. It's ok. Derf was going to the night before, but we didn't have any eggs. Everybody was so surprised that I was making my own cake and then that I was cleaning up. lol. It's just what I do and how things were done while I was growing up, which is kinda sad now that I think about it.

Well, I don't want to make this a long post without pictures, so here's what to come later:

*birthday presents
*new porch furniture
*new shelves above computer....I hope they don't fall.

Oh, I'm having a house warming party on Saturday. So, I may be MIA for a while. And if you're wondering, yes, there will be pictures....lots of pictures. :D

1 comment:

  1. Aww that sounds like it was a fun day. Happy belated birthday!
